Matthew and Melissa Petersen
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

For our honeymoon we went to Florida! We stayed with my uncle in high springs. We had the best time there we didn't want to leave. We went to the butterfly rainforest in gainsville and then we went to seaworld in orlando. We also went on a 7 mile canoe trip which was awesome it took us 5 hours. We got to stop at the natural springs on the trip there were about 4 springs along the river. Then matt got to see the ocean for the first time in his life he was so excited. We went walking on the beach in the early morning and we found huge shells. Which to come by the really big shells is very rare. We had a great time and my uncle is the coolest!
Friday, September 15, 2006

Here is some more pictures of the wedding. Matt and I at the waterfall about a mile away from the church. Then we are in front of the limo with all the crew. When we fed cake to each other matt really gave it a big shove and i was digging it out of my nose I was so mad. The last picture is two of the greatest friends in the world katie and deedee. Deedee also was my photographer and she did a wonderful job.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This is my father. My strength!! He is such an amazing person. He cares so much about his family and would let nothing happen to us! He has always been a great provider to our family and has taught me so much about faith. He shows me that God is number one in your life and he will also be there for you no matter what. My dad is very hard to conversate with but once you get to know him he has the biggest heart ever. Even though when we were going down the aisle and I was crying he told me to quit there was no reason for me to cry thanks dad for having my back! HaHa!! I love you dad with all my heart and always will!!

This is the rest of the crew. We have our good friends Aaron and Jaime. I have known them since high school. They are two of the greatest friends. Then there is Katie. I work with katie and she is one of my best friends. She is one of those people that can make or bake anything if she puts her mind to it. Then there is matts cousins, Phillip and Darren, they both are hoots to be around. Then there is matts best friend victor he lives just down the street from us and he is such a character. Talk about character then there is Jesse he is laceys boyfriend. He is such a hillarious fella! Also we released butterflies after the wedding which was great except for my niece who went up to my photographer and told her shhh don't tell anyone then she proceeds to open her box and told her that she kept her butterfly. Of course the butterfly was indeed dead. LOL!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My mom where do I start. She has always been a huge part of my life and still is. She is such an amazing and wonderful person. I don't know what I would ever do without her. She had to put up with all my moods over the course of getting ready for the wedding what a job. She is my strength and she shows me what it is to be loved. My mother is very fun to be around when we had my bachlorette party she was there and the things that were going on I thought I would hear about it but she just laughed and had fun right along with us. Thank you mom for being you and I will always love you!!

This is the cutest bunch ever! Tyler is getting to be such a handsome gentlemen I miss out on a lot since I live an hour and a half away. I miss all my nieces and nephews they are all so sweet. I use to be able to take them to movies and babysit and boy do I miss that. Peyton is a stud and I think he knows it. LOL!! Jade is really smart she knows a lot for her age. Emily is such a sweet loveable person. I love you guys very much.

This is Matt's wonderful family. His father (Cliff) and his mother ( Mary). Then there is his grandpa Darreld Petersen and his grandma Zelma Petersen. Then his other grandmother is Maxine Bacon. Then matt has one sister her name is Abby and she was a beautiful bridesmaid. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful second family I couldn't of asked for a nicer family. Matt and I are truly blessed!

This is my wonderful family! My father (Craig) and mother (Thelma). Then my brother (Chad) is married to my beautiful sister in law Brenda and they have two children, Tyler, who was the junior. Then there is beautiful Emily who was the flower girl. Then there is my older gorgeous sister (Kim) and she has two children who is Jade who was a junior and Peyton who was the the studly ring bearer. Then my younger gorgeous sister Lacey who was my maid of honor! Then also in this picture is my grandparents my grandpa (Harold) and his wife Anna Mae. My family is a blessing and I can't ask for anything more.

Welcome Family and Friends
August 19th,2006 was the beginning of our life together! We are excited to be together and to enjoy every up and down that life has to offer together! This is a photo of Matt and I before the ceremony we were so excited. We started to plan a year before our wedding which helped because we probably would have been a nervous wreck if we didn't. My mother was great with everything! Our colors were burgundy and burnt orange. We also had a theme of butterflies!