Matthew and Melissa Petersen
Saturday, August 04, 2007

The kids came out and stayed with Matt and I over the weekend! It was a blast we took them to fort custard which is a huge maze. The lady told us that it would only take us 45 minutes. Well we finished about 2 hours later after going around and around. Haha!
Then they both got the opportunity to ride on the motorcycle with Cliff. They had a blast!

The family went to adventureland and had a blast! My father did not participate because he didn't want to spend the money. Mom, Kim, and I didn't ride the rides because we don't care for any. Kim would of went on all of them but she is pregnant and therefore not go on any of the rides. Which really sucks for her because she loves the thrill of all the rides at the park! We had a lot of fun just being together and spending time together.